A mom’s worry is like a twisting roller coaster…it changes, it slows down, it throws you for a loop, and just when you think you’re done, you get back in line for one more ride.
And as much as we try not to, we all worry…Are we doing it “right?” Are we being good moms? Are we raising good kids?
All moms worry — the worries may change with your child and their age…But we all have the same basic and fundamental need to love and protect their children.
There is the young woman who worries she won’t get pregnant. And the one who worries she might be.
There is the mom-to-be that worries she hasn’t eaten the right foods, taken the right vitamins, or prepared enough for her new baby.
There is the brand new mom who wonders what kind of alternate universe she is living in…one full of exhaustion and love and tears and fears. She worries she can’t do anything right and worries most about those nurses who let her leave the hospital with this baby.
There is the mom who wants to nurse but can’t. The mom who can nurse but doesn’t want to. The mom who is nursing but worries her baby is not getting enough food.
There is the mom who worries her child is too cold, too warm, too hungry, too tired.
The mom who worries her child won’t ever sleep through the night. And the one who worries her child will stop breathing when he finally does sleep.
There is the mom who worries her child will choke on grapes that aren’t cut. And the mom who worries the last of those days are behind her.
There is the mom who worries her child won’t find a friend in Kindergarten and the mom who worries her child found all the wrong ones in high school.
There is the mom who worries she’s holding her baby too much (you can’t by the way). And the mom who worries her babies are getting too big to hold.
There is the mom who worries about that first sleepover with friends and the mom who worries when her child wants a “sleepover” with her boyfriend.
There is the mom who worries she can’t buy her child enough and the mom who worries she has bought her child too much.
There is the mom who worries her child won’t get into a good school. And the mom who worries how she’ll pay for it.
There is the mom who worries about her child’s safety…on the bike, at the park, at a friend’s. And the mom who worries about her child’s safety…at a party, in a dorm room, in a dark parking lot.
There is the mom who worries these days of hard parenting will never get easier. And the mom who worries that the real work hasn’t yet begun.
There is the mom who worries was she good enough. Did she love you enough? Did she kiss you enough? Did she show you that every day you were the reason God put her here on earth?
And then that same mom sees her own child…
Have a child…
And the mom finally realizes…
She was good enough. She did love you enough. She may not have done it perfectly, but she did it the best she could.
And now she is going to spend the rest of her life showing you the same thing for your own child.
Read here for ways you can let go of the worry and be a fun mom with your kids today!
The post A Mom’s Worry…Over The Years appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.