When I held my first child in my arms, I never thought I’d struggle with being a happier mom. She was precious, tiny, and she smelled incredible! I thought, “surely, this is what being a mom is all about: pure bliss ALL OF THE TIME!!” But, the second we left the hospital (and our incredible nursing staff!), I realized that motherhood was unlike anything that I had ever experienced.
In the beginning, it was hard to figure out how to take care of myself along with my new little baby, my husband, my milk supply, my job, my pets, my family…..and, I have to admit, that I had to learn a lot of new skills in order to avoid becoming an overwhelmed and unhappy mommy. That’s why I’m thrilled to share Mindfulness4Mothers {a Kids Activities Blog sponser} because mindfulness is a tool that you can use to manage the many stresses of being a mom!
And, Mindfulness4Mothers recognizes that the kind of stress that moms face are unique. So, their program is truly designed with you in mind! Truthfully, they won me over with just a few simple words…
“Give yourself the gift of peace” ~ Mindfulness4Mothers
Those simple words got me thinking…had I forgotten that motherhood could be peaceful?! I remembered having peace before having kids. But, after kids, peace started to feel like something that was far away. It truly felt like something I would get back eventually when the kids were grown and things calmed back down again.
But, peace with little kids in the house?! Could it really happen?
Can You Really Become a Peaceful, Happier Mom?
Yes, you can!
Finding daily happiness takes practice.
Feeling less stressed takes practice. Being a happier mom takes practice and Mindfulness4Mothers gives you the skills that you need to take better care of yourself and your kids ~ the tools for becoming a happier mom and having happier kids!
I started to look at Mindfulness4Mothers like going to the gym. It can be hard to get there, but once I leave, I’m always amazed with how much better I feel!! And actually this is easier because I don’t have the hassle of getting to a class: it’s all downloadable so I can do it when I choose! Investing time & money into our health is essential…it’s only that with mindfulness, we’re investing in our mental well-being instead. Which I almost think is more important for me since I get plenty of exercise chasing my toddler around all day!!
So, What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is about awareness. It is about being present in the moment and noticing your body as well as your thoughts as you try to calm down and be kind to yourself, whatever is happening around you (including screaming, tantruming toddlers!). Mindfulness is grounded in the fact that our body effects our brains (and vice versa), so practicing mindfulness to stay calm, kind, and connected actually teaches our brains and bodies to react differently to stressful situations – how amazing is that?!
But, does it still sound like a new concept?
I felt that way at first, too. There is a lot of language that you will start to understand like, “being present” and “being mindful.” Using that language will start to become second nature, even if it feels foreign in the beginning of the Mindfulness4Mothers program. The practices themselves are pretty simple after all.
What Should I Know Before I Start?
Here’s a couple of things that you should know about the Mindfulness4Mothers program:
- There’s a printable workbook to help guide you through the program.
- The program is split into three listening sections: interviews with professionals, discussions, and mindfulness practices. You can download and keep them all.
- All you need to do is click and listen – they set up an easy way to flow through the program.
- Mindfulness can help you throughout motherhood and beyond. These aren’t just skills that help you manage stress with little ones, they are skills you can use for a lifetime!
After listening to one interview, I already started talking with my daughter differently when I was feeling stressed. She’s started practicing mindfulness with me. And, that’s the beautiful benefit of the program: your happiness effects your children’s happiness, too!
They not only learn what a happier mom looks like, but they flourish around her as well. There’s no greater gift!
The post How to be a Happier Mom appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.